Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Personal Chef, Catering, and Event Planning

How about cooking classes in your own home, or wine tastings for your company or office, or maybe a trip to Italy to discover the vineyards and cuisine of the Meditteranean!? Let me show you, step by step, how to overcome your fears in the kitchen and make five or six entrees that are guaranteed to be show-stoppers. Fly me in for your corporate or family event. I do everything from planning, purchasing, preparation, training of the service staff, and personally caring for each detail so you shine like the star you are! My specialities are grilling seafood, poultry and beef. Appetizers and soups are my passion. I love teaching children and preparing them for a world that awaits them, full of flavor, nutrition, and variety. Everyone should know how to cook before they graduate from high school. E-mail me for more details at georgeloper@gmail.com

Business Consultant and Sales Trainer

"Boy, did I ever get in over my head on this one", so I thought to myself. I bought a failing deli/coffeeshop and now had to start from scratch with a new menu, business plan, marketing objectives, and everything else that goes along with a new business start-up. In just over a year, we were a happy family, making money, and doing what we love to do! You can learn a lot from someone else's mistakes and experience. A little bit of time and money can save you a lot down the road. Knowledgeable about most small business start ups, I can offer assistance with the financials of your business, employee hiring, training, policies and procedures, and managing your profits.
If you're business leans strongly towards retailing, please consider my sales training services. Just a few little things done correctly can make a big difference on your bottom line. I can Skype or travel to be with your sales associates for a weekend or extended time in the field for observation. You WILL see results. My emphasis is strongle geared towards customer service and developing a referral business. Contact me if I can help you at georgeloper@gmail.com

Micro-Enterprising Mission and Vacations With a Purpose

What if you could take two weeks out of your life and see the most amazing places on earth while helping other people in the process? Taking the road less traveled begins with someone who has taken the risks, made the mistakes, and now has a proven track record to make a mission trip or vacation the most memorable event of your life. Allow me to customize your travels into a mission of mercy. Did you know that there are skilled villagers in Mexico, India, and Peru who live in poverty because they don't have $200.00 US to solve thier problems? A simple sewing machine and some material could mean the difference between eating, going to school, leaving prostitution, and earning critical self-esteem. There are so many opportunities you can offer, leaving a legacy of hope long after your sun tan fades. Whether it is just your family, or a small group, I can help you customize your travel plans to give purpose and meaning to you and your children for many years to come. Contact me at georgeloper@gmail.com
Current countries available:

Pastor and Church Discipline Consultant

After my conversion to Christ as Lord and Saviour in 1973, I began to speak to high school and college students in "coffee houses" (yes, the real ones) about the counter-culture the Kingdom of God brings to an individual and to nations. Shortly thereafter I pastored a small Plymouth Brethren in the Cleveland, Ohio area and watched as God gave our membership increase in numbers and quality of life. As that church became maxed out I was asked to assist in church planting and moved to Kentucky to serve a larger situation in Lexington. Years later I found myself back in Ohio as an assistant pastor in a non-denominational church, only to find out that my pastor was on his way out in a few years and I was going to be the new senior pastor. As this church also grew, I found myself struggling with personal issues and resigned from the "professional" ministry and started a business with my family. How I was treated, or mistreated, and the toll this took on myself, my family, and my church could have been avoided.
If your church needs help or if your pastor needs help, I am available to share my story with you. Many today need a gentle mediator who can see through the darkness, save people's dignity, and prevent churches from splitting. e-mail me at georgeloper@gmail.com if I can serve you in any way. Also available for weekend seminars on Biblical Restoration and Intervention, or just to speak at your church.

Faux Painter and Design Consultant

Have you ever been in someone's home or office and thought, "with a little creativity, color, and balance this could really be a nice space"? Well, that is what I do. I turn your budget into a personality, creating space into atmospheres of luxury, tranquility, fun, class, and culture. My faux painting abilities were groomed over the last 21 years as I worked on casino offices in las Vegas, residential living rooms, and furniture and accents. I do not do "tacky" or "dated" sponge painting, OK? I prefer marble realities, stone finishes, and torn paper. Venetian plaster is a beautiful application in the right space with the right color.
My estimates and charges are based on three things: the type of finish or application desired, the amount of square footage, and the location of the job. If you write me with as much information as possible, I may be able to give you a price range right away. Contact me at