Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Business Consultant and Sales Trainer

"Boy, did I ever get in over my head on this one", so I thought to myself. I bought a failing deli/coffeeshop and now had to start from scratch with a new menu, business plan, marketing objectives, and everything else that goes along with a new business start-up. In just over a year, we were a happy family, making money, and doing what we love to do! You can learn a lot from someone else's mistakes and experience. A little bit of time and money can save you a lot down the road. Knowledgeable about most small business start ups, I can offer assistance with the financials of your business, employee hiring, training, policies and procedures, and managing your profits.
If you're business leans strongly towards retailing, please consider my sales training services. Just a few little things done correctly can make a big difference on your bottom line. I can Skype or travel to be with your sales associates for a weekend or extended time in the field for observation. You WILL see results. My emphasis is strongle geared towards customer service and developing a referral business. Contact me if I can help you at georgeloper@gmail.com

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