Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Micro-Enterprising Mission and Vacations With a Purpose

What if you could take two weeks out of your life and see the most amazing places on earth while helping other people in the process? Taking the road less traveled begins with someone who has taken the risks, made the mistakes, and now has a proven track record to make a mission trip or vacation the most memorable event of your life. Allow me to customize your travels into a mission of mercy. Did you know that there are skilled villagers in Mexico, India, and Peru who live in poverty because they don't have $200.00 US to solve thier problems? A simple sewing machine and some material could mean the difference between eating, going to school, leaving prostitution, and earning critical self-esteem. There are so many opportunities you can offer, leaving a legacy of hope long after your sun tan fades. Whether it is just your family, or a small group, I can help you customize your travel plans to give purpose and meaning to you and your children for many years to come. Contact me at georgeloper@gmail.com
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